Sunday, January 20, 2008

So many cool toys ... so little time to play

I have to admit that before I started this class that I believed that I was up to date on most of the tools that a person might be able to use on the internet. Boy was I wrong! Between Google Reader,, twitter, voice thread and flickr I have been amazed at the number of tools that I did not know existed. I must admit that I am still bewildered by the twitter universe but I think that twitter becomes addictive exponentially when the number of followers you have increases. There was a point in time last week when I spent 15 minutes staring at my computer thinking "now what"? Once I started looking at the big picture I realized that the point is that in order to survive and thrive in whatever world in which you work you must have a support structure or contacts. The more brains that you can pick or the more people that you have to bounce an idea off of, the more likely you are to improve your practice and make a difference where it counts - in your family, in your workplace, or in society.

My favorite site that I have explored to date is I have watched a number of videos and I find each one thought provoking. I know this is one resource that I will continue to watch as I am fascinated by the thought processes of some of the worlds greatest minds.

The first two weeks has been fun and a tremendous learning experience. I am certainly glad that I know my way around a computer and have experimented with a number of the tasks that we have had to complete to date. I only hope that has I move forward from this course is that I make use of the skills that I will learn and that I will not get too preoccupied with other priorities to take time out to play and continue to expand the number of communities to which I can contribute and receive support.


1 comment:

thekyleguy said...

Walter you have began to see the possibilities of online social learning networks. There are many tools out here to network with and many variations of what a learning network looks like. With time you will find communities and tools that fit your style and personality. Being connected to my social learning continues to push my own practice. Continue trying new things and finding out how it fits into your learning.