Sunday, March 30, 2008

Major Project Complete

Today I finished the final video for my major project. This really isn't a teaching video but it does contain my reflections of our class with about a week to go. If you wish to see the final video in the set, click here. I hope that you have enjoyed the videos. I know that I have learned a lot in making them. Feel free to use them in your school if any of your staff members are interested in learning how to use any of the featured programs.



Todd said...

Congrats Walter! You seem to be further ahead in the game than I am. Good for you! I'm sure I'll get there, but I bet you feel good having your project wrapped up.

angelesb said...

Congratulations in your Major Project!!!
Life is different after learning all these interesting things about Web 2.0, isn't it?
Regards from Mexico

Connie Cossar said...

Walter, I have really enjoyed your videos. I am glad you have enjoyed the class and got a lot out of it (I know I have!).

Unknown said...

Well made video...and I don't say that lightly...I have some experience (dont you love those video grad classes!!)

Any particular significant learning curves you would like to mention as you reflect on your video production?