Sunday, February 10, 2008

When two classes collide

"We must be the change we wish to see in the world". - Mahatma Gandhi

As some of you may know, I am taking two classes this term to finish my degree by April. My other class is an ethics in education class. As I was listening to the recording of Tuesday's session with George Siemens I could not help but think that there was a distinct connection between the two classes that I am taking this term.
I found that many statements caught my attention. Some of which include:
  • Knowledge is always in flux
  • Ethics is a form of knowledge
  • The values are in the technology
  • Nature of knowledge is found within its connections
  • Modeling + judgment + trust
  • Knowledge is a river not a reservoir
In my ethics class, we are investigating if it is possible to come up with a shared ethic for our world. We are struggling with the question on how we are supposed to balance and respect all other viewpoints for the sake of coming up with a common standard of behaviour. I believe this is also a struggle with how we will develop and use technology. Siemens pointed out that our values are inter laden in the technology that is being developed. Therefore, if we wish to change the world we live in, we must be careful in which technologies we support.
Having a technological 'shared ethic' also emphasizes the importance of the social network. The greater the number of connections that we can develop, the more conversations that we can have over what is important and what methods and strategies can be used so that we can be more effective as educators (and citizens of the planet). By working together through our developing social networks we can only deepen and widen the river of knowledge that we are able to access in order to improve our world.

That's all for now.

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